Julio Desnoyers' Studio

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Nita Naldi - The Webs We Weave?

In Madame Valentino I read that Nita had an affair with Rudy after Natasha left him. This was the first time I have ever read such a thing. It also stated that Natasha knew this wasn't the first time Nita bedded her husband, alluding to a possible affair between Rudy and Nita prior to Natasha's departure?
I remember reading a quote from Nita that she said, while making Cobra with him, that he was always cooking up Italian dishes at lunch, and that she was going to chew garlic for a week to pay him back. I think meaning that Rudy smelled like garlic much of the time they were filming their scenes for Cobra.
When I first watched Cobra I noticed Nita's face while she was dancing with Rudy as Rodrigo and thought that was probably when she had thought that up. I know I may be wrong but it just looked to me like her eyes were going to tear up during that scene.
I also remembered thinking that Rudy may have done this on purpose to make Nita "back off". Maybe he felt that she was smitten with him and he was trying to detract her in some way.
I love Nita and Rudy together though. I also really like Nita. I heard a snippet of an interview she had given and she sounded wonderfully entertaining and fun to be around. I also read that she said she had a lot of fun doing Cobra with Rudy and I wouldn't be at all surprised if Rudy enjoyed her company during this tense time in his life (while Natasha was the Madame in charge).
But Rudy in my eyes was a great guy and good friend to his friends, especially his male friends and he was a respecter of people and their feelings ... and I think that knowing Nita was supposed to be good friends with Natasha, with her going after him , Natasha's husband, gave a blemish to Nita's character that did not sit well with him. I think it's possible he did end up with Nita because Natasha cheated on him, and perhaps Nita had been throwing (if just subtly throwing) herself (behind Natasha's back) at Rudy for years, making the affair although likely because of their amazing chemistry and their close friendship. But again it weathered quickly in the brassy light that she was a close friend to Natasha, who she not only betrayed by sleeping with Rudy but openly accused her of aborting Rudy's babies.
It does not paint a pretty picture of Nita and that's sad but it explains why Rudy, at least according to the Madam Valentino's biography he quickly grew tired of her (maybe even washed his hands of her) and turned to Pola Negri.
