Julio Desnoyers' Studio

Thursday, March 05, 2009

quote from Rudy's: My Private Diary

I've been a busy gal these last 2 days but wanted to leave a couple of quotea I just adored from the book:

It has been said that I have touched the underlying, but very real and profound vein of Romance. It is, at least, an explanation. My explanation.

-- Rudolph Valentino (My Private Diary)
(I love this quote above because it's so true!)

I love children. And I would like, some day, to have a large family of them. People speak of romance... well, but the heart of romance lies, a lovely, tremendous bud, in the heart of a child, in the hearts of all the children of the world. Children are romance. they are the beginning and they are the end. They are romance, before the white wings are clipped, before ever they have trailed in the dry dust of disillusion.

-- Rudolph Valentino (My Private Diary)

Raising kids (w/someone like Rudy) would be romantic and beautiful. I understand what he is saying in that with kids there is a heavenly innocence that not only blesses them but those who loves them. I know that Madonna said when she had Lourdes she felt she was healing. There is something very powerful about the innocence of children as well as their own "romantic" curious nature in the life they are discovering around them.

Ok goodnight darlings.