Julio Desnoyers' Studio

Wednesday, February 04, 2009


I think I'm going to start trying to type out Rudy's movies like stories. Like adapting them from screen into stories. I just hope it won't get me in trouble. I don't want to run into any copyright infringement issues but I think it for one it'd be fun, almost like watching them for the first time all over again and two a good tool for me to learn how to format stories (it's hard).
If anyone sees a problem with this please let me know. It's going to take a long time but again I think really fun to do.
I was writing the valentino fiction I have for posting, editing it and polishing the first part of the story. There is still so much to cover but I'd like to get one post up since I have that in mind. Today when I was doing it though I was rudely interupted at work. That's all I'm going to say on the matter. No one discovered what I was really doing or anything like that but still the circumstances really pissed me off, I was beside myself with anger. I have finally gotten over it but it took all night!
So, I'm about to go to bed and of course I had to watch Rudy, to soothe over my rough feelings of the day. It works. He is so theraputic!
One thing that struck me when I was watching Son of the Sheik (again, the DVD lives in my laptop) is that I feel like I am so honored to watch him. That Rudy was so hospitable to let us have this part of himself. In Cobra he was a stranger to me. I recognized him well enough, the good looks, small subtle smiles, but the fire that burns so bright in him well it was like it was covered up and patted down. I would even dare to say, Rudy wasn't to keen on this movie of himself either, and I know I may be talking out of turn, but these are freestyle thoughts coming this way. And when he said, he was looking more and more like his poor imatations I imagine he was talking about Cobra. I think that's why the Eagle was so different as well as Son of the Sheik. I think Rudy knew what we wanted and that was his delicious, firey energy -- I think he knew that was the one way we connected to each other (him to us and us to him) and that's why the Son of the Sheik is mind blowing. It arrives on my laptop like a gift ... like a gift from Rudy... :)
