Julio Desnoyers' Studio

Thursday, June 29, 2006

I'm in need of new Rudy info and footage. I ordered the Married Virgin on June 17th but won't receive it until July 10th. I have found that I have to wait forever when I order if I don't pay the higher price for shipment. I ordered the Sheik and the Son of the Sheik for my birthday and expedited the package. But everything else trickles back to me. It's really annoying and I feel I'm wilting without being able to devour more Rudy movies. It's a terrible feeling.

I had to laugh at one of the persons who spoke on the Great Lover DVD. She said, that Rudy fans are "almost" rabid. I laugh because it's so true.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I have watched the Eagle many times but it makes me sad. Rudy's sad state is so obvious to me; it's hard to watch him in this.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I have requested IMBD add

The Great Lover, as Rudy's nickname. I was torn to do this because I know he wasn't too keen on it but the fact was it was more his nickname than The Sheik. So, I have asked for that too be added. hmmm.... what else can I add, edit ...

The Giggles

I had the giggles last night as I watched a Japanese cartoon with my son. I was having a cocktail (vodka cranberry and diet 7up) and after reading again parts of the book The Sheik was looking at my two dogs laying at my feet. And suddenly the thought of 100s of dogs laying at my feet appeared. Dogs worship their owners (at least most of them, and my westies do me) anyway, all of a sudden I could imagine a very frustrated Rudy and the dogs as women who read the book The Sheik and Rudy, exclaiming, "I'm not The Sheik" and I had the most joyful giggles. I know that Rudy's time is technically now anciet history (although he never will be) but there was a time that fervor was at an all time high and Rudy was in the center of it --- and had no control and it probably not only perplexed him that women were so enraptured by him (as the Sheik) but annoyed him because if you try to walk around with a bunch of doggies under foot you will soon find how very difficult in can be.

Anyway, I have a feeling though I would be no better than these women who idolized this man. I probably would lay at his feet and lick his toes whenever I got the chance.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

The Sheik VS Rudy

I read a lot of the story last night since it’s online and it was apparent to me why Rudy disliked so much to be known by this role. If it was only the movie that the girls could swoon over it wouldn't have been so bad, in my opinion, but in combination with the book, it could be overwhelming.The Sheik in the book was interesting but so mean and brutal and although I can appreciate the titillating passages that came fast and ferocious I could see that the book, bottom-line, was a bit soft porn.To have women fawning over him as The Sheik, reading the passages I just mentioned and picturing gorgeous Rudy kidnapping them and enslaving them to serve him, well, it is a bit much.I'm glad that my first swoon for Rudy happened with The Four Horseman and not with The Sheik because then I would have to question my own interest in this incredibly interesting individual. Did I find him captivating because I want my own Sheik? One who would run off with me to allow me to leave all the hassles of the world the unattractiveness of it and the boring aspects of it behind, or did he really appeal to me as his own man?Well, there is no question in my mind because of the fact he did affect me in that scene with Alice Terry as well as in Beyond the Rocks --- when I saw Beyond the Rocks, and Rudy was sitting at a table and the sound affects were realistic (such a nice touch) and he looked into the camera for a brief second (he does this I have seen it in other scenes from other movies) it was as if he was connecting to the audience. It was as if he saw beyond the camera --- and saw into the audience, each one. He connected with us. I think most actors back in those days looked into the camera and saw only themselves and their dreams coming from those lenses but Rudy saw beyond that --- he saw us.


Thursday, June 22, 2006

Screen Savers


Wednesday, June 21, 2006

This picture makes me think that there was a scene taken out that I would have liked. I think this was from a scene they worked on when Ahmand gives Dianne the book from his friend. I wish if so they left it in. It seems like it would have been a good part of the movie.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Rudy's book: How To Keep Fit

I found online, here:


I liked this so I thought I'd post it.

Then came The Sheik, the lusty hot-sands role which capped Valentino's rocket-like rise to the heights. The Latin collar-ad with the classic features and the bedroom eyes had so much appeal that he utterly enslaved the female moviegoers and had the green-eyed males growing sideburns and greasing their hair down in a frantic effort to steal some of his enchantment. For the girls, no other celluloid hero, before or after, would match Valentino's boundless magnetism.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

IMDB needs a lot of correcting

I submitted a request that the nickname Powder Puff be deleted from Rudy's profile. Since it came from an article and was not what people called him. After reading Dark Lover it's obvious this would be very upsetting for him and out of respect for this amazing individual I have asked them to remove it.

It is also reported there that he was a petty theif and a gigolo. I want them to take these things out too since none of this has ever been proven but another day perhaps.

If you are new to Rudolph but have heard stories of his profound affect on women (and I'm sure some men) and you are curious to see what all the fuss is about, get the DVD The Great Lover. It's a documentry on Rudy. Before watching it though, watch the other side -- The Four Horseman and the Apocolypse. This was his break out role and it's been reported that he said, that he liked the fans who became fans with this movie rather than his renowned role as The Sheik.

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